NTR again supporting AALS Section on Alternative Dispute Resolution’s New Voices in Dispute Resolution mentorship program.

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Negotiation and Sustainability

November 2023 NTR-IDG Negotiation and Sustainability Conversation Recording: you must sign in to IDG to access. https://forum.idecisiongames.com/t/conversations-november-2023/900 NTR’s Grant Program NTR’s 2024 Teaching Grant Program seeks proposals for the development of interactive teaching materials including exercises, cases, and other innovative…

AI and Groups

https://www.negotiationandteamresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Bezrukova-et-al-AI-and-Groups-GOM-2023.pdf Read GOM paper by Bezrukova and her colleagues about AI human team interactions. How AI introducedas a mandated addition to the team can have asymmetric effects on collaborationlevel depending on the team’s attitudes about AI.

Laura Kray

Kray, L. J., Kennedy, J. A., & Lee, M. (in press). Now, women do ask: A call to update beliefs about the gender pay gap. Academy of Management Discoveries. Kray, L. J., & Kennedy, J. A. (2017). Changing the narrative:…

Laurie Weingart

Book: The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work with Linda Babcock, Brenda Peyser, and Lise Vesterlund www.thenoclub.com

Hannah Riley Bowles

Resources for Teaching: When Gender Matters in Organizational Negotiations https://case.hks.harvard.edu/negotiate-well-case-collection/ Negotiate WELL (work, education, life, and leadership) has a teaching plan, slides, and video materials for teaching about gender in negotiation.  It also has research-based resources for teaching about negotiations…

Hey ChatGPT, Can You Help Me Negotiate My Salary?

Academics are growing apprehensive about student reliance on ChatGPT. Despite concerns over its impact on higher education, ChatGPT has the potential to be a useful learning resource for students and the general public seeking accurate information. People often turn to…